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A female Glow Worm  (Lampyris noctiluca)

Glow Worm  -  (Lampyris noctiluca)

The Glow Worm isn't a worm at all. It is in fact a beetle, usually about 15mm in length in adult form. The Glow Worm starts life as one of a 100 or so eggs that develop into larvae. When they transform into an adult the female retains a larvae form whilst the male turns into a flying beetle. During the mating season the female climbs to the top of tall grass stems or lays on the ground on her back and emits a bright green glow from the last three segments of her body. This glow is about as bright as a green LED you'd find on electrical appliances. The males fly around looking for females glowing in the dark to mate with. Males do also have a very feint glow to the rear of their abdomen but it's no where near as bright and visible as the female's. The same is true for Glow Worms in the larvae stage. Even the eggs can emit a very feint glow on occasion. Glow Worms can be found from May - August with warm dry nights in June and July being the best time to see them from 10pm onwards. They are usually found in fields and along the edges of quiet countryside roads away from the light pollution caused by towns and street lights where the green glow can be easily spotted by males looking for a mating partner. Glow Worms and Fireflies are facing possible extinction around the world due to light pollution, habitat loss and the use of pesticides. See article here:  SciTechDaily

The glowing process of the female is a result of bioluminescence and the Glow Worm has total control over the glow emitted. It can be extinguished and rekindled at will. The Glow Worm produces a chemical called luciferin which when mixed with oxygen from the lungs of the Glow Worm results in the green glow effect.

The Glow Worm feeds mainly on small snails and has a neat trick up its sleeve to prevent the snail from retreating back into its shell. Before the Glow Worm attempts to eat the snail it administers an anaesthetic which renders the snail completely defenceless. It does this with a series of jabs using its tiny hooked mandibles that inject a small amount of this anaesthetic with each jab.


Adult female Dark Bush-Cricket, photographed in a grass chalk-land field in North Kent, 25/9/12.

Dark Bush-Cricket  (Pholidoptera griseoaptera)

The Dark Bush Cricket is virtually wingless and grows to around 15 - 21mm. These crickets are stocky in build with hard bodies and an armoured appearance. The Dark Bush Cricket is common in England, especially in the south. As its name suggests it is usually dark brown or dark red with a yellow / green underbelly. It can be found in many types of habitat including wasteland, long grass, brambles, bushes, woodland and saltmarsh edges. Adults emerge in June-July and are around until the winter. They lay eggs in rotting wood and bark which take about 18 months to hatch. They are very active diurnal species and can be heard chirping all through the day and well into dusk. Males are very territorial and will often give an audible warning to other males before engaging in wresting with any intruders to their territory.

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Female Dark Bush-Cricket found in grass field in North Kent, 19th July 2020

17mm male Bog Bush Cricket, found at Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, 19th September 2022

Bog Bush Cricket  -  (Metrioptera brachyptera)
The Bog Bush Cricket is a medium-sized cricket that typically grows from 12-16mm, with some specimens reaching 21mm in length. This cricket favours bogs, marshes, lowland heaths and clearings in damp heathy woodland. Nymphs hatch in May and June and adults can be seen from July until late autumn. Their colour varies with different shades of green and brown but adults have a green underside. Bog Bush Crickets usually have short wings, and are flightless, but occasionally some specimens will develop long, and fully developed dark wings that enable them to fly and disperse. The preferred foods are buds, seeds and flowers, but occasionally small invertebrate prey is also taken. Although their distribution is widespread across England and Wales the Bog Bush Cricket is considered to be nationally scarce.

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female Roesel's Bush Cricket

Roesel's Bush-Cricket  (Metrioptera roeselii)

Growing to around 13mm - 26mm the Roesel's is one of 10 Bush Crickets found in Great Britain. They are found from June to October in rough grassland and damp meadows and are easily recognised by the yellow stripe or collar behind their head. Each type of Bush Cricket makes its own unique call by rubbing its wings together.

male Roesel's Bush Cricket

Rare winged-form male Roesel's Bush Cricket

Roesel's Bush Crickets are usually short-winged and flightless but very occasionally winged specimens (form diluta) can be found. These rare winged specimens can be male or female and it is thought that they make up less than 1% of any population of Roesel's Bush Crickets and tend to occur in long hot summers. 

Rare winged-form male Roesel's Bush Cricket

The macropterous (winged) form provides the Roesel's Bush Cricket the opportunity to reach new and more favourable habitats where there is a lower density of Roesel's Bush Crickets already residing. It also allows them to escape an area where predation upon crickets is very high.

5mm juvenile Roesel's Bush Cricket, photographed in my garden in SE London 06/09/2019

5mm juvenile Roesel's Bush Cricket

5mm juvenile Roesel's Bush Cricket

 Bog Bush-Cricket

Another native bush cricket and growing to around 21mm. These are usually short-winged but there is a rare winged form. They can be found in green or brown but all have a bright green underside. They have long hind legs and long antennae. They are found across the UK but are more abundant in the south of England.


During the summer it is almost impossible to walk through long grass without the familiar sight of Grasshoppers jumping away. Grasshoppers are from the same group of insects as crickets and locusts. They are found throughout the UK and are frequently encountered in gardens, especially if you have a wild area where the grass is allowed to grow. The most obvious feature of grasshoppers is their long rear legs, which enable them to jump well over 20 times their own body length. Although these powerful muscular legs give huge power for jumping they are also aided by a crescent-shaped organ found in the knee which is made from elastic fibres that store energy. This reserve of power is released as an explosion of energy when the Grasshopper needs to jump. Grasshoppers can be easily be distinguished from Crickets by two obvious features. Female crickets have a long ovipositor (egg-laying organ) at their rear which Grasshoppers do no possess. And Crickets have long antennae as opposed to the short antennae found on Grasshoppers. There are other differences too. Grasshoppers detect sound by small "ears" at the base of their abdomen. On Crickets these hearing organs are found on their front legs. Different Grasshopper species are sometimes easier to identify from their song rather than their appearance, and it is the males that sing far louder than the females. 

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A collection of various species Grasshopper all found at a local wetlands site.

There are 11 species of native Grasshopper in the UK. However it is believed that the number of Grasshopper species actually living in the UK is closer to 30!  

Meadow Grasshopper, on a brownfield site in Dartford, Kent, 17th September 2012.

Meadow Grasshopper  -  (Pseudochorthippus parallelus / also known by the synonym Chorthippus parallelus)

The Meadow Grasshopper is the most common and widespread of UK grasshoppers and grows to a maximum length of around 22mm. This species is found across much of Europe as well as the USA and Asia. Although usually green or brown in colour sometimes genetic anomalies can occur particularly with the female. Meadow Grasshoppers can from time to time be found in an amazing array of colours including pink and purple. This is probably the most colourful example I've seen in the UK. Females are longer with short wing cases whilst males are shorter with longer wing cases. Both are usually flightless but occasionally in larger populations some grow longer wings and are able to fly. Those capable of flight can travel much greater distances and reach other colonies or new grazing areas. Eggs are laid just below the soil where they remain until they hatch the following spring.

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20mm female Meadow Grasshopper, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

A boldly marked 20mm adult female Field grasshopper, on heather at Thursley Nature Reserve, in Surrey. 2nd August 2024.

Common Field Grasshopper  -  (Chorthippus brunneus)
The Common Field Grasshopper is common and widespread throughout Britain. These large Grasshoppers can usual be found in short vegetation in dry, sunny locations, and is common in residential gardens. This species is highly variable in appearance, with striped and mottled forms occurring. Common Field Grasshoppers can be found in varying shades of brown, orange or even purple. Adults grow to around 15-19mm for males and 19-25mm for females. Males have strongly clubbed antennae and usually red or orange colouration on the underside of their abdomen. 

The Common Field Grasshopper is entirely herbivorous and feeds mainly on grasses. The eggs are laid in soil and nymphs hatch from late March onwards. Adults appear around June and have a long season, persisting as late as December in milder weather. This species is long-winged and flies well. Common Field Grasshoppers have been known to swarm on occasion.

Identifying features by Paul Winter: "First feature is the strongly indented sides of the pronotum. Mottled Grasshopper also has this feature but the pronotum in that species is more compact - about the same length as the head when viewed from the side (and the head shape is more rounded). Second is that there is a small costal bulge on the leading edge of the wing just above the hearing organ on the side of the abdomen. Third - the wings extend beyond the hind knee. Fourth feature is that it is very hairy underneath for both sexes. I don't use the latter feature too often as it is not usually easy to see when the insect is on the ground and looking from six feet above! Mottled and Field Grasshoppers are the most variable in colour forms and often very similar." Other features include: The head doesn't look large compared to the pronotum. Sharply incurved pronotal side-keels. The dark wedges on the pronotum don't reach the base
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One of two bright purple female Common Field Grasshoppers found on a grassland site in Thamesmead, SE London, 20th July 2020. 

This occurrence of bright purple specimens of the Common Field  Grasshopper is likely to be an example of erythrism, a congenital condition of abnormal levels of red pigment in an creature's fur, plumage or skin.

One of two bright purple adult female Common Field Grasshoppers found on a grassland site in SE London, 20th July 2020. 

One of two bright purple adult female Common Field Grasshoppers found on a grassland site in Thamesmead, SE London, 20th July 2020. 

Common Darter Dragonfly  (Sympetrum striolatum)

A medium sized dragonfly growing to a length of about 45mm. They are often the last dragonflies to be seen in the UK and can often be found well into November. They are widespread across much of the UK and are also often found quite some distance from water. They will feed mainly on other flying insects that they catch with their sudden bursts of speed. The Common Darter can range in colour from bright red, reddish brown, to brownish yellow. The short, squat larvae grow to around 15-18mm in length and can regularly be found in garden ponds and other small bodies of water, including stagnant or brackish water.

LINK 1     Identifying British Dragonflies    See Pond Life page for photos of larvae

Common Darter photographed in Horsey, Great Yarmouth, September 2019

When at rest the Common Darter usually rests with its wings pointing in a slightly forward and downward direction as opposed to being held at 90 degrees to the body like many other Dragonfly species.

Common Darter photographed in Horsey, Great Yarmouth, September 2019

Common Darter photographed in Horsey, Great Yarmouth, September 2019

Common Darter photographed in Horsey, Great Yarmouth, September 2019

Common Darter photographed in Horsey, Great Yarmouth, September 2019

Male Common Darter Dragonfly at the edge of my SE London garden pond, 9th August 2021

Newly emerged female Common Darter Dragonfly basking in the reeds of my SE London garden pond, 9th August 2021

Newly emerged female Common Darter Dragonfly basking in the reeds of my SE London garden pond, 9th August 2021

Newly emerged female Common Darter Dragonfly basking in the reeds of my SE London garden pond, 9th August 2021

Newly emerged female Common Darter Dragonfly basking in the reeds of my SE London garden pond, 9th August 2021

Female Ruddy Darter, photographed at Romney Marshes, Kent, 1st August 2024.

Ruddy Darter  -  (Sympetrum sanguineum)

The female Ruddy Darter can be difficult to distinguish from the Common Darter. The most obvious difference between the two species can be seen with the legs. The legs of the Ruddy Darter are entirely black, whilst the legs of the Common Darter are blackish-brown with an obvious pale stripe.

Female Ruddy Darter, photographed at Romney Marshes, Kent, 1st August 2024.

Female Black Darter Dragonfly, photographed in Christchurch, Dorset, 9th August 2012

Black Darter Dragonfly

A small heathland and moorland dragonfly usually growing to a length of 29-34mm and commonly spotted in late summer across the UK. These are Britain's only black dragonfly. The males turn almost completely black with age but the females pictured above usually have bright yellow markings on the upper and sides of the abdomen which become browner with age. Both sexes have completely black legs.

Female Black Darter Dragonfly, photographed in Christchurch, Dorset, 9th August 2012

Male Black Darter Dragonfly

This male Black Darter Dragonfly basks in the sun to dry its wings after being caught in a short rain shower. Its wings vibrate rapidly to warm the Dragonfly up and help the drying process.

Female Migrant Hawker warming its wings at the start of the day.

Migrant Hawker Dragonfly   (Aeshna mixta)

A medium / large dragonfly with a wingspan of around 80mm and a body-length of 65mm. This species is common in Southern England and takes to the wing from late July to early November. The females are brown with yellow marking and the males tend to be brown / black with blue markings. Usually seen flying over freshwater lakes, rivers and streams. They are also found around garden ponds. The larvae take from 1 - 2.5 years to develop in the water, and adult dragonflies are short-lived and usually only last for around two months. Hawkers are the largest dragonflies in the UK and most powerful of fliers. They catch their prey mid-air and can hover of fly backwards with amazing acrobatic skills. Unlike many other species of Dragonfly Migrant Hawkers are not particularly territorial and it's not unusual to see groups of these Dragonflies hunting over the same body of water.

Migrant Hawkers can easily be confused with other Hawker species, particularly the Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea). Common Hawkers, whose alternate and better suited name is the Moorland Hawker, are rarely found far from moors and bogs. One distinguishing feature of the Migrant Hawker is the strong yellow nail mark on the S2 segment of the abdomen. Migrant Hawkers also have short yellow ante-humerals / shoulder marks. There's an excellent guide to distinguishing Hawker species here.

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Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on low pondside vegetation at Alexander Park in Hastings, 16th September 2021.

One of around six specimens of Migrant Hawker seen hunting over a large pond.

Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on low pondside vegetation at Alexander Park in Hastings, 16th September 2021.

Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on low pondside vegetation at Alexander Park in Hastings, 16th September 2021.

Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on low pondside vegetation at Alexander Park in Hastings, 16th September 2021.

Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on Hawthorn at Pevensey Levels, 17th September 2021.

Male Migrant Hawker, photographed on Hawthorn at Pevensey Levels, 17th September 2021.

Female Brown Hawker Dragonfly.

Brown Hawker Dragonfly   (Aeshna grandis)

A large dragonfly with a wingspan of 80mm to 102mm and a body-length of 70-77mm. his species is common and widespread in England and Wales  but is scarce in the very west of both countries. It takes to the wing from July to September but can on occasion be seen from June to October. Both sexes have a brown abdomen with yellow stripes on the side. The golden brown wings makes this an easy species to identify. The Brown Hawker is powerful in flight and tends to glide and soar above ponds and smaller bodies of water. Males can be identified by a constricted waist.

Male Emperor Dragonfly.

Emperor Dragonfly   (Anax imperator)

Britain's bulkiest dragonfly with an average wingspan of around 106mm and occasionally 120mm. They have an average body-length of 78mm. This species is common in Southern England and Southern Wales and takes to the wing from June to August but can on occasion be seen from May to September. The females are green or blue with dark central line and the males tend to be blue with a dark central line. Usually seen flying over large ponds with plenty of vegetation, canals and slow moving rivers. Emperor Dragonflies often fly with their abdomen bent slightly downwards. They will often hover above the water before darting at great speed tin pursuit of their prey. Larvae grow to 56mm with brown colouration and huge eyes.

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Male Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 13th May 2020
Broad-Bodied Chaser  (Libellula depressa)
The Broad-Bodied Chaser is a medium-sized dragonfly with a very broad and flat body and is common across southern England and Wales. It has a body-length of around 39-48mm and a wing-span of around 75mm. Males have a pale powder-blue body with pale yellow spots at the edges, whilst immature males and females are a golden green / brown / yellow colour. Both sexes have chocolate brown eyes. This dragonfly prefers still shallow water bodies and is often the first dragonfly to colonise new ponds. The larvae take 1-3 years to develop and spend much of their time partially buried in the mud at the bottom of the pond. The Broad-Bodied Chaser can be seen in flight from May to August.

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Male Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 18th May 2020

Female Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 28th May 2020

Female Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 28th May 2020

Male Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 13th May 2020

Male Broad-Bodied Chaser Dragonfly (with angry-looking male Malachite Beetle, Malachius bipustulatus, photo-bomber!) photographed at a wild pond in Kent, 13th May 2020.

Female Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) photographed in long grass surrounding a wildlife pond in SE London, June 13th 2020.

Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly  (Orthetrum cancellatum)
A medium sized dragonfly with a body-length of 44-49mm. Males have a powder blue coloured abdomen with a black tip, whilst females and immature specimens are yellow in colour with a dark ladder pattern. A fairly common and widespread species particularly in southern England, where it favours lakes and ponds. This species can often be found resting on the ground or low vegetation or flying low to the ground over flooded areas. Adults can be found from May to August. After mating females can be seen hovering over water with the tail dipping below the surface whilst dropping eggs onto vegetation beneath the surface.

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Female Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) photographed in long grass surrounding a wildlife pond in SE London, June 13th 2020.

A female or immature male Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) photographed on brambles surrounding a wildlife pond in SE London, July 20th 2020.

Male Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) photographed on the banks surrounding of a fishing lake in Murston, Kent.  July 12th 2020.

Male Black-Tailed Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) photographed on a wooden fence at Rainham Marshes, 23rd June 2021

Female Keeled Skimmer at rest on heather at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 2nd August 2024.

Keeled Skimmer Dragonfly  -  (Orthetrum coerulescens)
The Keeled Skimmer is a medium-sized, slim species with both males and females exhibiting a pronounced dorsal keel, that appears as a dark line running down the centre of their back. They have a typical body-length of 40-44mm and a wing-span of around 60-70mm. Adults can usually be seen from the beginning of June until the end of August.

This Dragonfly is sexually dimorphic and mature males can easily be distinguished from the females. The male Keeled Skimmer is slightly smaller than the female with a slightly wider, powder-blue abdomen. The thorax of the male is brownish with pale antehumeral stripes at either edge. The wings of both sexes are clear with yellow / orange wing-spots, and a yellow leading wing-vein, known as the costa. Males can be confused with the similar Male Black-Tailed Skimmer, but the wing-spots of the Male Black-Tailed Skimmer are black in colour. Males are territorial and although they occupy smaller territories than the Black-Tailed Skimmer they will readily chase off any other males invading their space. Like the Black-Tailed Skimmer the male Keeled Skimmer can often be found resting on the ground, although they do also rest on low vegetation.

Females and immature males have a yellowish-orange abdomen, The female's abdomen has a pattern of short, dark bars that cross the dorsal line. The thorax is yellowish-brown with pale antehumeral stripes at either edge. Females can sometimes be confused with the Common Darter, which has darker wing-spots.

The Keeled Skimmer is often found perched on low vegetation, with its wings angled forward. The typical habitat of the Keeled Skimmer includes marshes, small ponds, and slow-moving streams, particularly on acidic heathland. In the UK the Keeled Skimmer has a patchy, local distribution and is most common on the western and southern edges of Britain. This Dragonfly is also found in most European countries, and is common in the Mediterranean regions.

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Female Keeled Skimmer at rest on heather at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 2nd August 2024.

Female Keeled Skimmer at rest on heather at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 2nd August 2024.

Female Keeled Skimmer at rest on heather at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 28th July 2024. 

Male Keeled Skimmer at rest on the sandy paths at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 2nd August 2024.

Male Keeled Skimmers can look very similar to the Black-Tailed Skimmer. The male Skimmer also has a black tip of its tail but the black section is far more extended on the Black-Tailed Skimmer. The best way to distinguish males of this species is to look at the wing-spots. The male Keeled Skimmer has yellow / brown wing-spots but the wing-spots of the male Black-Tailed Skimmer are black. Male Black-Tailed Skimmers nearly always land on the ground. Male Keeled Skimmers can land on the ground or on low vegetation. 

There is a great page for identifying the Skimmers and Chasers found in the UK here.

Male Keeled Skimmer at rest on the sandy paths at Thursley Nature Reserve, Surrey, 2nd August 2024.

Roman Snails  (Helix Pomatia)

Also known as the Burgundy Snail, the Edible Snail or the Escargot. These are Britain's largest land snails reaching shell sizes up to 45-50mm in diameter. They are found on lime rich soil and in chalk downland areas. The Roman Snail is indigenous to Central and Southeast Europe, but due to human intervention can now be found across Europe, Asia and the Americas. It is thought to have been introduced to the UK as a source of food when the Romans settled in this country. This species has suffered serious decline due to foragers & poachers as well as habitat loss. The numbers were reduced so significantly, not just in the UK but across much of Europe, that these snails could once only be found in three main areas in the UK: The North Downs, Chilterns & Mendips of England. Because of this Roman Snails have been afforded some degree of legal protection across much of Europe and full legal protection by UK law since 2008:  Natural England - Roman Snails pdf

One of several Roman Snails that had to be removed from the road in north Kent, 7th May 2023.

45mm Roman Snail  (Helix Pomatia)

In captivity the Roman Snail can live for over ten years but it is believed that the average lifespan of a wild specimen is around five years. These snails are most active on damp evenings between sunset and midnight.

18mm female Horsefly, found in my SE London garden.

There are around 30 different species of Horsefly in the UK, and they vary in size from around 10mm to 25+mm in length. Whilst the male Horsefly usually feeds on a diet of nectar and pollen, the female also requires a good supply of mammalian blood, for the development of her eggs. This blood is usually supplied via an unwilling horse or cattle donor, but some species have developed a taste for human blood.

Some species will also feed on reptiles, amphibians, birds and even carrion. Horseflies do not possess the fine needle-like piercing mouthparts of mosquitoes that often allows them to feed undetected. Instead their large beaks tear a hole in the flesh of their host resulting in an instantly painful bite. After opening up a wound in their victim the female horsefly then drinks from the pool of blood it creates.

Whilst most bites, although very painful, will have no long term effects on the host, some bites result in considerable swelling to the area of both humans and horses. Bacterial infections and diseases are also spread as a result of bites from Horseflies. Some victims have even had such a severe anaphylactic reaction that they were hospitalised following the bite. On very rare occasions some humans have even died as a result. 

Male and female Horseflies can be distinguished by their eyes. The eyes of male specimens are situated very close to each other, whilst there is an obvious gap between the eyes of the female Horsefly, as can be seen with the specimen pictured above.

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20mm male Large Marsh Horsefly at Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. 30th June 2023

Large Marsh Horsefly  -  Tabanus autumnalis
The Large Marsh Horsefly is widespread across the southern half of the UK and is typically found around marshland and wetland habitats. They sometimes frequent salt marshes too. This large Horsefly grows to around 16-22mm in body-length and will readily feed on human blood. Tabanus autumnalis is similar in appearance, but less common, than both Tabanus bromius, which is slightly smaller with a body length around 14-15 mm, and Tabanus bovinus, which is usually larger with a body length of 25-30 mm. Adults fly from May to September, and peak in June and July. They can often be seen basking on Rocks, fence-posts and tree stumps. Males feed mainly on nectar and plant juices, but the females feed on blood from large mammals. Once they detect their prey they will attack relentlessly until they feed. The larvae develop in wet mud, where they feed on worms, molluscs and other fly larvae. They are also cannibalistic and will feed on larvae of their own kind too. The larvae are also capable of biting humans too if handled.

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20mm male Large Marsh Horsefly at Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. 30th June 2023

20mm male Large Marsh Horsefly at Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. 30th June 2023

20mm female Large Marsh Horsefly at Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. 23rd July 2023

Unidentified male Horsefly, photographed at Great Buckland, Gravesend, 23rd July 2023.

This unidentified male Horsefly was photographed resting on a wooden fence, at the edge of a grass meadow in the North Downs, in Kent. It had a body-length of around 17-18mm.

Unidentified male Horsefly, photographed at Great Buckland, Gravesend, 23rd July 2023.

This unidentified male Horsefly was photographed resting on a wooden fence, at the edge of a grass meadow in the North Downs, in Kent. It had a body-length of around 17-18mm.

13mm male Bright Horsefly resting on a large rock at Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. 30th June 2023

Bright Horsefly  -  Hybomitra distinguenda
The Bright Horsefly is a medium-sized Horsefly that typically reaches around 15-18mm in body-length. This species in common in the southern half of the UK but records are scarce in the north. The Bright Horsefly can be found in a variety of habitats including marshes, wetlands, heathland, woodland and occasionally coastal sites. Females will sometimes feed on human blood. Adults can be seen from June until September.
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10mm female Splayed Deerfly, attempting to feed from my wife's head, at Lullingstone, Kent, 21st June 2022.

Splayed Deerfly  -  Chrysops caecutiens
The Splayed Deerfly is one of four species from the genre to be found in the UK. Adults can be found from May to September and usually grow from 8.5-10mm in body-length. The females can be identified by the splayed 'V' marking on tergite 2. The male is far darker, with an almost black abdomen and black legs. Chrysops species have great eye-sight and beautifully coloured eyes. Chrysops caecutiens is one of two common and widespread species where the female will actively target human hosts. The larvae of the Splayed Deerfly develop in muddy, damp, soil at the edge of streams and pools, where they feed upon algae and organic matter.

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Tachinid Fly, Tachina fera, photographed on vegetation growing near a large pond in an ornamental garden in Kent. 30th August 2022

Tachinid Fly  -  Tachina fera
Tachinid Flies are a large family of True Flies, and are parasites of other insects. Adult females lay their eggs on their host. The larvae then burrow into the host and begin feeding on its insides. The host will eventually die a slow death.

Tachina fera are a large, bristly and very common species of Tachinid Fly found across England and Wales, with a more scattered distribution in Ireland and Scotland. Adults grow to a body-length of 9-16mm, with a wingspan of 16-27mm. They have a burnt orange abdomen with a tapering broad black stripe. The large black bristles are particularly obvious at the rear of the abdomen. The head is yellow and the eyes are red. The antennae are yellow / orange, with a black tip. Tachina fera favour well vegetated and damp areas, where they feed on the nectar of umbellifers and other flowers growing near water. The larvae are parasites of a variety of young insects and invertebrates, especially caterpillars. Adults can be seen from April to June, and then a second generation from July until October.

Tachina fera is very similar to the slightly smaller Tachina magnicornis, that also has a dark medial dorsal band. Unlike the band of Tachina fera the band of Tachina magnicornis does not terminate in a point.

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Male Tachinid Fly, Phasia hemiptera, photographed on vegetation growing near a large pond in an ornamental garden in Kent. 30th August 2022

Shieldbug Tachinid Fly  -  Phasia hemiptera
Phasia hemiptera are one of a small group of Tachinid Flies found in the UK. This species is common and widespread in the southern half of the UK. Unlike many other Tachinid Flies Phasia hemiptera is not overly bristly and can be mistaken for a Hoverfly. Being a sexually dimorphic species the males are easily distinguished from the females by their curved, colourful wings. The female has patches of orange hair on the side of the abdomen. Phasia hemiptera is strongly associated with woodland and hedgerows, where it's a parasite of Heteroptera bugs, especially the Green Shield Bug, Palomena prasina in the autumn, and Forest Bug, Pentatoma rufipes in the spring. Adult flies can usually be seen from May to August feeding from nectar on Hogweed, and other umbellifers.

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Mining Bees  (Andrena species)

Andrena is a large group of over 100 species of European Bees - the Mining Bees. These species of bee range in size from 4mm - 16mm in length. Mining Bees are solitary bees that live in burrows under the ground, usually in sandy soils. The species pictured above is the Andrena nitida. They are between 8-11mm in length and are usually seen in April or May but some sightings do occur in June. They are particulally fond of Buttercups!

Ichneumon Wasp  (Amblyteles armatorius)

Ichneumon Wasps  

There are around 2500 species of Ichneumon Wasp in the UK alone. Whilst a few species are quite distinctive and easy to identify, most species are so similar in appearance that they can only be identified down to genus level by an expert under close inspection with a microscope, or even by dissection. They grow to a length of around 15-22mm excluding the antennae. These wasps are regularly seen during the summer, particularly in June, in hedgerows, woodland edges and clearings, gardens and roadside verges, as well as areas of dense vegetation such as brambles. They feed on nectar and pollen as adults. Most Ichneumonids are parasitic wasps which lay their eggs in, or near, their invertebrate hosts, such as caterpillars and insect larvae. Once the larvae hatch they will feed upon their host from the inside until it eventually dies.  

Useful link for identifying Ichneumon Wasps

Can Ichneumon Wasps Sting?

Well if you Google that question you'll find a host of websites informing you that Ichneumon Wasps are completely harmless and cannot sting. Whilst this is true of most Ichneumon species I'm here to tell you that females of the larger species of Ichneumon Wasp can definitely sting, and I speak from personal experience.

Many years ago I had read from various sources that Ichneumon Wasps couldn’t sting. With that ingrained in my mind when I found a large Ichneumon Wasp in my home for the first time I caught it in my hands and proceeded to carry it, as I headed outside, so it could be released. You can imagine my surprise when I suddenly felt a very sharp pain in my hand, similar to an electric shock, that shoot up my arm. The pain was severe enough that I immediately released the wasp, as anyone else would have done in my situation. Thankfully the pain only lasted for about 10 seconds. There was no visible mark left on my hand either. 

This was many years ago and since then information on invertebrates has been made much more widely available on the internet. It frustrates me that there are still so many online sources claiming that Ichneumon Wasps are completely harmless and cannot sting. 

Thankfully there is accurate information out there if you know where to look. There is a section that discusses this exact topic on the well respected bugguide.net website: "Despite conventional wisdom, there are ichneumonid wasps that are capable of stinging. While it is true that smaller species can't penetrate human skin with their ovipositors, larger species can. These stings are uncommon, however, and and occur due to direct, physical handling rather than from an instinct to protect young at a nest (as in the more familiar social wasps).
Incidents of stings typically involve the large, nocturnal ichneumonid species (i.e. Ophioninae & Netelia spp.). This capability is also known from larger members of Cryptinae, Phygadeuontinae, and Pimplinae with shorter ovipositors. Stings from long-tailed species such as Rhyssinae are virtually unheard of, with various explanations being offered. However, Bob Carlson once recounted a sting from a Megarhyssa while collecting specimens." There is even a mention of one account of a naturalist suffering a severe reaction to the sting of an Ichneumon Wasp, that he'd caught in his hand, confirming that venom can be injected during a defensive sting. It is also reported that the sting from some species of Cryptinae could be sore for several days, lasting longer than stings by most aculeate species.  - LINK

Even Wikipedia now states that "Ichneumonids generally inject venom along with the egg, but only larger species, (some in the genera Netelia and Ophion) with relatively short ovipositors, use the ovipositor in defense." - LINK

It is worth mentioning though that all records of stings to humans by Ichneumon Wasps were the direct result of the wasps being handled, and that these wasps are not known to sting if they have the opportunity to fly away.

Ichneumon Wasp, Gasteruption jaculator.
Ichneumon Wasp  (Gasteruption jaculator)
With some species of Ichneumon Wasp the females have an extremely long ovipositor. This is used for laying eggs deep inside timber. When the young hatch they will seek out the larvae of timber-dwelling beetles to parasitize. The Gasteruption jaculator species use this long white-tipped ovipositor to deliver their eggs into the nests of Mining Bees, which will become the victim of the parasitic wasp larvae. One of the unusual and distinguishing features of the Gasteruption jaculator species, is its tendency to fly with its body in an almost vertical position and its legs dangling down.

Ichneumon Wasp, Gasteruption sp. Photographed on umbellifers at Winspit, Dorset, 8th August 2022.

Ichneumon Wasp   (Ophion obscuratus)

The Ophion genus are known as the short-tailed Ichneumon Wasps. They are orange / brown bodied and mainly nocturnal. They are also attracted to light and are often found in moth traps. 

The Ophion obscuratus Ichneumon Wasp grows to around 22mm in length and can be identified by it's pale stripes thorax (upper body). Unlike other Ophion sp. the Ophion obscuratus flies throughout winter and is only absent in June and July. Ophion obscuratus is large parasitic wasp that targets the caterpillars of moths, particularly the Noctuidae family of moths. Mythimna separata is the most common host for Ophion obscuratus. The eggs of the wasp will be deposited directly into the live caterpillar. Once hatched the larvae of the wasp will begin feeding on the caterpillar.

A recent split from Ophion obscuratus is the very similar Ophion variegatus, which was previously classed as the sub-species Ophion obscuratus variegatus. Ophion variegatus is most commonly encountered in spring and early summer.

A detailed guide on Ophion species can be downloaded here:  LINK

Yellow Ophion Ichneumon Wasp  (Ophion luteus)

The Yellow Ophion Ichneumon Wasp grows to around 20mm in length and is usually orange / red rather than yellow. The wings are clear and black-veined. This parasitic wasp species lays its eggs on caterpillars with its ovipositor. These eggs will hatch and the larva will burrow into the caterpillar and begin feeding on the caterpillar's soft tissues. Eventually the caterpillar will be eaten alive from the inside and die. The wasp's ovipositor can also be used as a sting to defend the wasp if needed.

Another Ichneumon Wasp. Some species of Ichneumon Wasp are sexually dimorphic, meaning that both sexes are quite different in appearance. With some species the males can be yellow and black whilst the females can be orange / red and black.

female Callojoppa cirrogaster

Ichneumon Wasp  (Callojoppa cirrogaster)

The two Callojoppa Sp of Ichneumon Wasp are the largest of UK Ichneumonidae and are difficult to tell apart. They are both parasitoids of hawk-moths, our largest of moths. They are usually found from July to September in woodlands and parks where hawk moths are also found.

LINK - page 15

female Callojoppa cirrogaster

This specimen had a body-length of over 25mm not including the antennae. It was a very fast and powerful flier and was seen in my garden in SE London at the end of July 2018.

female Callojoppa cirrogaster

 Fly Agaric / Fly Amanita   (Amanita muscaria)

A commonly encountered and easily recognisable fungi found across Britain. Although potentially poisonous these mushrooms are often consumed by man for their hallucinogenic properties. However this could be very dangerous if attempted without prior expert knowledge of how to carefully prepare the mushrooms before consumption.


Shore Crab   /  aka European Green Crab  (Carcinus maenas)

The Shore Crab is predominantly a shore or shallow water sea crab but can be found in water as deep as 60 metres. It is the most commonly found crab on the shore of British and Irish coasts. The carapace (shell) usually grows to 60 - 80mm (sometimes larger 90-100mm) across and the crab has well developed and powerful pincers. Colours can vary enormously and include magenta, brown, orange, white, and green. In the UK 95% of adult Shore Crabs are orange/brown with just 5% being found in bright green like the specimen photographed above. Colour can be influenced by age, habitat, breeding season and when the crab last shed its skin.These crabs are one of the world's most invasive species and can pose a threat to new ecosystems where they will feed on almost anything that they can catch. They are also commonly seen fighting amongst themselves and during these fights it is not unusual for pincers to be broken off and lost. Smaller pincers often grow back to replace missing ones.

LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3    LINK 4    LINK 5

iPhone 6 photo of a female Shore Crab with a carapace width of 70mm, found on Glyne Gap Beach, Hastings, 21st July 2020.

The carapace of the Shore Crab has five short teeth along the front edge behind each eye, and three rounded lobes between the eyes. This species can be difficult to separate from the closely related C. aestuarii. Females can distinguished from males by examining the underside of the crab's abdomen. Males have a very pointed triangular abdomen, whilst females have a more rounded abdomen.

Female Shore Crabs carry their fertilised eggs with them attached to the underside of their carapace to protect them from predators. When in this state the females are often referred to as being "berried". The eggs have an appearance of an orange mass. This orange mass can contain as many as 200,000 eggs!

Male Shore Crab with a carapace width of 70mm, found on Glyne Gap Beach, Hastings, July 2020.

Female Shore Crab with a carapace width of 80mm, found on Glyne Gap Beach, Hastings, July 2020.

Female Shore Crab with a carapace width of 80mm, found on Glyne Gap Beach, Hastings, July 2020.

Male Thick-Thighed Flower Beetle, feeding on pollen and nectar from the flowers of Bindweed.

Thick-Thighed Flower Beetle / Swollen-Thighed Flower Beetle  -  (Oedemera nobilis)

The Thick-Thighed Flower Beetle gets its name from the larges bulges on the thighs of the male beetles. This species is sexually dimorphic as the females do no have these bulges. Other common names for Oedemera nobilis include the Swollen-Thighed Flower Beetle, Fat-Legged Beetles, False Oil Beetles or just Flower Beetles. Feeding on pollen this 10mm beetle can often be found in flower meadows and gardens across southern England and Wales, as well as much of Europe. 

One distinguishing feature is the noticeable gap between the wing cases on the back of the beetle. Swollen-Thighed Beetles are often seen, as in this case, on the Bindweed flower where their bright green colour makes them very obvious against the bright white trumpet flower. The Swollen-Thighed Beetle is typically bright metallic green in colour but some specimens may have a more coppery appearance. These beetles do not harm plants so they are considered as a gardener's friend and are helpful pollinators. 

The male Oedemera nobilis are very distinctive, and easy to identify to species level, due to the swollen femurs on their rear legs. None of our other Oedemera species exhibit these bulges to the same extent. The females aren't quite so easy and can be mistaken for the similar Oedemera luridaOedemera lurida are slightly smaller though and only reach up to around 8mm in length. Oedemera lurida also have a slightly less metallic appearance than Oedemera nobilis and tend to be a greyish or sage green colour. One distinguishing feature is the elytra, or wing cases. When at rest there is usually an obvious gap between the wing cases of Oedemera nobilis. The wing cases of Oedemera lurida are usually closed together when the beetle is at rest, or have a smaller gap between them than that of Oedemera nobilis. There are always exceptions though.

In the UK we also have another two Oedemera species, Oedemera virescens and Oedemera femoralis

Oedemera virescens is slightly larger and can reach around 11mm in length. Oedemera virescens has a greyish or bluish-green appearance.

Oedemera femoralis is a larger beetle that can reach up to around 17mm in length. They look very different to Oedemera nobilis and have a light tan and orange colouration. Male Oedemera femoralis do have slightly swollen thighs, so they can be separated from the females, but the thighs are not as noticeably swollen as those of the male Oedemera nobilis.


Male Thick-Thighed Flower Beetle (Oedemera nobilis). Photographed on roadside vegetation in SE London May 2020.

Female Black Oil Beetle, at the edge of a field of Rapeseed at Minnis Bay, Kent, 1st May 2016

Black Oil Beetle  (Meloe proscarabaeus

There are 11 species of Oil Beetle found within the UK, 8 of which are from the genus Meloe. All are now BAP Priority Species and in serious decline. Until recently several species were believed to be extinct but some of these species have since been re-discovered. They are still absent from many counties and in Kent Oil Beetles are now considered extremely rare with few recent sightings. This Black Oil Beetle is one of two specimens I found on the South coast of Kent in 2016. I have since found them at this site on each subsequent visit.

This is a large and harmless species of Beetle, growing to a total length of 30, and sometimes even close to 40mm when heavily gravid. Telling the different Oil Beetle species apart can be very difficult without good clear photos, and the two most frequently encountered species, the Black Oil Beetle, Meloe proscarabaeus, and the Violet Oil Beetle, Meloe violaceus, are particularly similar. Both species are black in colour but some may appear as metallic violet or turquoise. The two species can be distinguished by a close inspection of the base of the thorax. The base of the thorax on the Black Oil Beetle has a straight edge. However the lower edge of the base of the thorax on the Violet oil Beetle has an indent. Beneath this indent is a tiny sharp tooth that's very difficult to spot without very close-up photos. Both species have a heavily punctured head and thorax but the punctures on Meloe violaceus are much finer when compared to the courser punctures of Meloe proscarabaeus.

Females Oil Beetles are usually larger and when gravid the female is considerably larger with a very swollen abdomen containing hundreds of eggs. Males also have a very distinct kink in their antennae which the females lack. When the adult beetles first emerge they are very blue in colour and their abdomen is considerably smaller than seen in these photos. In fact the abdomen usually doesn't extend past the wing-cases at this stage.  LINK 1    LINK 2

Distinguishing Black Oil Beetles from Violet Oil Beetles    Distinguishing Black Oil Beetles from Violet Oil Beetles 2

  LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3    LINK 4    LINK 5

As well as the 8 species of Oil Beetle, from the genus Meloe, there are also three other species of Oil Beetle in the UK. Sitaris muralis, Which is a very distinctive black and orange Oil Beetle, that parasites the nests of Anthophora bees. This Oil Beetle is so rare in the UK it is currently only known at one site in Hampshire. The 10th Oil Beetle is Lytta vesicatoria, which is bright metallic green in colour, and is sometimes referred to as the Spanish Fly. This Oil Beetle is also extremely rare in the UK and is only found on the Isle of Wight.

And number 11, our final Oil Beetle, is Stenoria analis, the Ivy Bee Blister Beetle, which is orange and black in colour, and within the UK has currently only been recorded in the Channel Islands. This species is native to Western Europe and North Africa. Stenoria analis is a cleptoparasite of the Ivy Bee, Colletes hederae, but it is believed that this Oil Beetle must also use other hosts as the beetle is found sometimes outside the range of the Ivy Bee.

Oil Beetles get their name from their ability to produce a very bitter tasting fluid from their knee joints when disturbed. This deters many would-be predators. After mating the female Oil Beetle lays her eggs in a small burrow in the soil. This can be around 1000 eggs. Upon hatching, the larvae, known as triungulins, quickly climb up vegetation and make their way to the top of flowers. Here they wait for visiting Solitary Bees gathering nectar. The triungulins are dependant on finding a suitable bee quickly and when one lands on their flower they use their hooked feet to grab hold of the bee. The bee then unwillingly carries the tiny beetle larvae back to its nest. Once inside the bee's nest the triungulins then start to feed on the bee's eggs, pollen and nectar supplies. Here they will remain until they pupate and emerge the following year as adult Oil Beetles. With the decline in wildflower-rich habitats and subsequently the decline of Solitary Bees, the Oil Beetles have been seriously effected as they cannot complete their life-cycle.


This mating couple clearly shows the huge difference in size between the male and female Black Oil Beetles.


Like most Oil Beetles Black Oil Beetles are diurnal and can usually be seen on sunny days, in spring and early summer, in meadows, coastal grasslands and clearings and verges of woodland. Here they feed on both leaves and flowers of several wild plants including buttercups and dandelions. Meloe rugosus and Meloe mediterraneus are the exception as they are nocturnal and active throughout the winter. 



Female Tiger Cranefly  (Nephrotoma flavescens)
Tiger Cranefly / Primrose Tiger Cranefly  (Nephrotoma flavescens)

An attractive and harmless Cranefly, which is commonly found across the UK around hedgerows and grassy areas. With a body-length of around 14-18mm, and a wing-span of 25mm.

There are many different species of Cranefly in the UK. They are often referred to as "Daddy-Long-Legs", confusing them with Harvestmen and Cellar Spiders. 

With many species of Cranefly, the adults do not have the necessary mouth-parts and are unable to feed. Some species have developed elongated mouth-parts that enable them to feed on nectar. Names by which Craneflies are also known include "Skeeter-eaters" & "Mosquito Hawks". It is a commonly believed myth that Craneflies feed on Gnats and Mosquitoes. Unfortunately there is no truth to this myth at all. Craneflies are anatomically incapable of killing or eating Mosquitoes as they simply don't have the mouth-parts to make this possible.

Cranefly larvae, often referred to as "leather jackets", usually live in soil, feeding on roots of plants, especially grass roots. The result of this can leave large bald patches in garden lawns, so Craneflies are generally considered as pests to gardeners. The larvae sometimes emerge at night and feed on the lower stems of plants. The sex of a Cranefly can be determined by the shape of the rear end of the abdomen. Females have pointed rears due the ovipositor (egg-laying organs). Males have blunt square ends to their abdomens.  The translucent wings of the Cranefly are weakly attached to the body and often fall off when handled, as do the legs. Adult Craneflies usually only live for a few days or weeks, during which time their sole purpose is to mate. Craneflies do provide a valuable source of food for many bird, reptile, amphibians, fish and other insect species.

Mating Spotted Craneflies, Nephrotoma appendiculata, on riverside vegetation in Canterbury, Kent, 2nd May 2022

Spotted Cranefly  -  Nephrotoma appendiculata
The Spotted Cranefly is a similar species to the Primrose Tiger Cranefly, from the Nephrotoma genus. The Spotted Cranefly is common and widespread in the UK. Adults have body-length of around 13-15mm, and a wing-span of around 50mm. They can be distinguished by the black horseshoe mark on the side of the thorax, seen only from a side-view. The Primrose Tiger Cranefly has less black on the sides of its thorax, and the abdomen is a darker orange / yellow than the Spotted Cranefly. The abdomen of the Primrose Tiger Cranefly usually has a thinner, usually broken, black line, on its dorsal surface. Adults are usually seen from March until September, or sometimes October.

Tipula Vernalis, on pondside vegetation, near Lamberhust in Kent. 14th May 2023.

Cranefly  -  Tipula Vernalis
Tipula Vernalisis a large Cranefly that can usually be found as adults from April to June. They have a distinctive wing pattern, a dark band that runs the length of their abdomen, a dark mark behind their head and vivid green eyes. This species is common and widespread across the UK and is typically found around damp grassland or wooded areas. The larvae feed on the roots of grasses and adults feed on pollen and nectar.

LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3    LINK 4

Dock Bug - Coreus marginatus

Dock Bug   (Coreus marginatus)
The Dock Bug grows to around 13-15mm, and is common in central and southern UK. Until recently they were one of the easier bug species to identify in the UK, with their distinctive body-shape. In recent years the expansion of the range of the very similar Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, has made identifying this species more difficult.

Dock Bugs are found in a variety of habitats, including hedgerows, woodland edges, fields and gardens. Adults emerge and mate in early spring. The next generation of adults can be seen around August. Nymphs can typically be seen from early summer. Both adults and nymphs are herbivorous and feed on Docks, Sorrels and other plants in the family Polygonaceae. They can also be found feeding on species of Asteraceae and Rosaceae too. Adults can sometimes be confused with the rarer Boat Bug, Enoplops scapha, which is a coastal species that tends to be greyer in colour.

LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3

Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus, at an ornamental garden in Bexley, 20th April 2023.

Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus, at Dartford Heath, Kent, 20th September 2024.

Dock Bug - Coreus marginatus

Late instar of the Dock Bug (Coreus marginatus)

An overwintered adult Box Bug, found on lakeside vegetation in Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

Box Bug  -  (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)
The Box Bug is a fairly large Heteropteran Squashbug, from the family Coreidae, that grows to an adult length of around 11-14mm. This species is common throughout the Mediterranean, parts of Asia, and parts of Europe. In the UK the Box Bug was originally confined to just one site, Box Hill in Surrey. There it was found feeding entirely on Box Trees. In the late 1990's the Box Bug began expanding its range and was discovered to have adapted and modified its diet to feed on various other food plants besides Box, especially Hawthorn and Buckthorn.  Box Bugs have since been recorded feeding on Box, Buxus sempervirens, Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna, Dog-rose, Rosa canina, Japanese Rose, Rosa rugosa, Wild Rose, Rosa spp., Yew, Taxus spp., Buckthorn, Rhamnus spp., Buckthorn, Frangula alnus and Domestic Apple, Malus domestica, Lawson’s Cypress, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Honeysuckle, Lonicera spp., Oak, Quercus spp., Alder, Alnus spp., Hazel, Corylus avellana, Juniper, Juniperus sp. and White Cedar, Thuja occidentalis.

By the early 2000's the Box Bug was well established throughout much of Surrey and was also turning up in the neighbouring counties too. By 2023 the Box Bug had been recorded from much of south-east England, the Midlands, East Anglia, as far north as Yorkshire, and as far south as Devon.

Adult Box Bugs can be found all year round. They typically feed on the juices of ripe fruits and seeds from the host shrubs, trees and plants. In Europe the Box Bug is considered a pest to both Hazel and Pistachio.

Adult Box Bugs are reddish-brown in colour but the nymphs, although they have a similar shape to the adults, their abdomen is often bright green, which can become dull orange-red towards the end of the season. LINK. The Box Bug goes through five instars before reaching maturity. Mating is usually observed in June and July. The eggs are laid in batches of up to 15 eggs, and are fixed to leaves or branches of the host plants. The nymphs are typically found from July to September. New adult Bugs appear from August onwards and overwinter, usually in evergreen trees and bushes such as Holly, Ivy and Pine.

The Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, is very similar to our native Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus, and the two species are easily confused. There are key features to help distinguish between the two. The Dock Bug is far broader, and has wider, more rounded abdomen with a larger "skirt", and more rounded shoulders. A close inspection of the head makes separating them much more certain. On the "nose" of the Dock Bug there are two small projections. On the "nose of the Box Bug there is just one single projection. See image below. There is also a comparison photo here:  LINK

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Comparison photo of the heads of the Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus, and the Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus.

Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, found on a large bush in an ornamental garden in SE London, 20th April 2023.

Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, found on a large bush in an ornamental garden in SE London, 20th April 2023.

Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, on a Privet bush in my SE London Garden, 1st April 2024.

Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, on a Privet bush in my SE London Garden, 1st April 2024.

This image shows the piercing mouth-parts of the Box Bug. As with other bugs the rostrum of the Box Bug is a rigid, beaklike projection that's used to pierce the outer layer of the food plant. Behind the rostrum sits the flexible feeding tube that's held within a groove down the anterior side of the rostrum. Similar mouthparts are seen on predatory Shieldbugs that feed on the fluids within their prey.

5mm instar of the Box Bug, Gonocerus acuteangulatus, at Footscray Meadows, Bexley, SE London Garden, 15th August 2023.

Shield Bugs
There are around 46 species of Shieldbug recorded in the UK. Adult Shieldbugs are characterised by their flat shield-shaped bodies. Shieldbugs are also known as Stink Bugs because several species have the ability to produce a pungent smelling liquid from glands by their hind legs as a form of defence. These bugs start their life as nymphs that can resemble small Ladybirds in size and shape. Many Shieldbugs feed on plant-sap, or plants and leaves. However some species are also partly or fully carnivorous and may feed on garden pests. Shieldbugs go through five stages of development as they mature, with each stage of juvenile and sub-adult being referred to as an "instar".

Identifying Shieldbugs in the UK:   LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3    LINK 4

Mating Common Green Shieldbugs. Found in a grass meadow in Bexley, SE London, 16th April 2017.

Common Green Shieldbug   (Palomena prasina)
A common and widespread species found in various habitats, often on deciduous trees and shrubs from April to November. This is a fairly large Shieldbug and adults grow to around 12-13.5mm. Adults can be identified by the punctuated wing-cases, visible dark membrane on their wings, and reddish antennae. Newly emerged adults may not yet have this dark membrane which can lead to confusion with the Southern Green Shieldbug (Nezara viridula), which has been found in the UK since 2003. Adults of the Southern Green Shieldbug are best distinguished by the 3-5 white spots across the back of their shoulders. The Common Green Shieldbug often turns dark green, or even brown, prior to overwintering. The Common Green Shieldbug feeds on the sap from within plants, typically apples, pears and hazelnuts. They cause minimal damage to plants and would have to be present in very high numbers to be any kind of problem for gardeners. They provide a good source of food for birds.

LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3

Common Green Shieldbug, final instar, found on brambles and nettles in Lullingstone, Kent, 19th August 2021

Common Green Shieldbug, final instar, found on oak leaves in Lullingstone, Kent, 19th August 2021

An overwintered adult Common Green Shieldbug, photographed at Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

An overwintered adult Common Green Shieldbug, photographed at Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

An overwintered adult Common Green Shieldbug, photographed at Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

An overwintered adult Common Green Shieldbug, photographed at Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

Adult Hawthorn Shieldbug, photographed in a residential garden in Gravesend, Kent, 29th August 2016

Hawthorn Shieldbug  -  (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)
The Hawthorn Shieldbug is common and widespread across most of the UK, but becomes more scarce in Scotland. They are usually found in mixed woodlands hedgerows, and gardens, where hawthorn is grown. This is probably the largest species of Shieldbug in the UK and adults regularly grow to a length of up to 15mm, and sometimes 17mm. They feed mainly on Hawthorn leaves and berries but have also be known to feed on other deciduous trees, including hazel, birch and oak. Adults can on occasion be found some distance from their larval food plant. These shieldbugs emerge and mate in the Spring, with the nymphs being seen from May until the end of October before reaching maturity. Overwintering adults can sometimes take on a darker reddish form.

Hawthorn Shieldbugs can sometimes be confused with the smaller and less elongate Birch Shieldbug, Elasmostethus interstinctus. Another possible species for comparison if the Juniper Shieldbug Cyphostethus tristriatus.

LINK 1    LINK 2    LINK 3

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

 14mm Hawthorn Shieldbug, Jeskyns Country Park, Gravesend, Kent, 22nd September 2024

Hawthorn Shieldbug, final instar, photographed on Hawthorn in Lullingstone, Kent, 19th August 2021

10mm Birch Shieldbug, Elasmostethus intersinctus, photographed at Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, 20th May 2022.

Birch Shieldbug  -  (Elasmostethus intersinctus)
The Birch Shieldbug is a common and widespread species, growing to around 8-11.5mm in body-length. The larvae feed mainly on Birch Trees but can also be found on Hazel and Aspen on occasion too. Birch Shieldbugs are sometimes confused with the slightly larger Hawthorn Shieldbug, Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale. The Birch Shieldbug can be distinguished by its slightly smaller lateral extensions of the pronotum, and the reddish scutellum. The scutellum is the triangular scale that sits between the base of the wings, and on the Hawthorn Shieldbug this scale is entirely green. The Birch Shieldbug overwinters as an adult. Eggs are laid in spring and the larvae hatch in early summer, reaching maturity around August. This species is usually active from May to October.

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Adult Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes)

Forest Bug / Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes)
Another common and widespread species of shieldbug found in a variety of habitats with young nymphs feeding on the sap of oak trees. They are also found on alder, hazel and sometimes other deciduous trees such as apple and cherry. Adults will also feed on caterpillars and fruit too. The Red-Legged Shieldbug reaches around 11-14mm as an adult and can usually be found from July until October. Eggs are typically laid in August. This species can be identified by its orange legs and and pointed, or hooked projections at the front of the pronotum and a pale orange / cream spot in the centre.

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13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Forsythia bush in my SE London garden, 18th August 2023.

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Forsythia bush in my SE London garden, 18th August 2023.

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Forsythia bush in my SE London garden, 18th August 2023.

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Sycamore Tree in Bigs Hill Wood, SE London garden, 25th September 2024

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Sycamore Tree in Bigs Hill Wood, SE London garden, 25th September 2024

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Sycamore Tree in Bigs Hill Wood, SE London garden, 25th September 2024

13mm Red-Legged Shieldbug (Pentatoma rufipes), found on a Sycamore Tree in Bigs Hill Wood, SE London garden, 25th September 2024

Mid-instar Red-Legged Shieldbug, Pentatoma rufipes, found at Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, 20th May 2022.

This 5mm Mid-instar Red-Legged Shieldbug, Pentatoma rufipes, was found on a fencepost in shady woodland, at Ashenbank Woods, Kent, 22nd May 2024.

This immature specimen looked almost black to the naked eye in shady woodland. Once photographed one can see this Shieldbug is actually very colourful. A 10mm adult specimen was also found on this visit to the same site, on Cleavers / Sticky Weed, Galium aparine.

This 5mm Mid-instar Red-Legged Shieldbug, Pentatoma rufipes, was found on a fencepost in shady woodland, at Ashenbank Woods, Kent, 22nd May 2024.

This 8mm final-instar Red-Legged Shieldbug was one of several found on trees in in shady woodland, at Footscray Meadows, Bexley, SE London, 2nd June 2024.

Tortoise Shieldbug    (Eurygaster testudinaria)
In the UK there are two very similar species of Tortoise Shieldbug from the Eurygaster genus, Eurygaster testudinaria and the rarer, and slightly smaller, Eurygaster maura. Eurygaster testudinaria can usually by distinguished by the slight depression seen in the centre-front of the bug's head, and by the slightly more protruding shoulders of the pronotum. Adult bugs reach a body-length of around 9-11mm and can be found all year round. The larvae feed on various grasses from around May onwards and reach maturity around July / August. Both the base colour and the markings can vary on the Tortoise Shieldbugs.

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10mm Tortoise Shieldbug, found on Brambles at Footscray Meadows, SE London, 1st August 2023.

10mm Tortoise Shieldbug, found on Brambles at Footscray Meadows, SE London, 1st August 2023.

10mm Tortoise Shieldbug, found on Brambles at Footscray Meadows, SE London, 1st August 2023.

11mm Tortoise Shieldbug, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

It is the shape of the Tortoise Shieldbug that gives this species its common name. When viewed from the side profile the shape of the Tortoise Shieldbug does resemble the shape of a tortoise shell.

11mm Tortoise Shieldbug, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

Blue Shieldbug    (Zicrona caerulea)
This common Shieldbug is a predatory species with a preference for Leaf Beetles. Blue Shieldbugs are dark metallic green / blue in colour.  This is a fairly small species that grows to a length of around 5-7mm as an adult. They are usually found on low vegetation. Adult specimens can be found all year round but are most common from July - September.

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Final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug. One of several specimens found on bean plants in SE London in early September 2020

Southern Green Shieldbug    (Nezara viridula)
During their growth as juveniles Shieldbugs go through several stages of development, known as instars. This is the final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug before it reaches maturity.

This invasive species is originally from Africa and has been breeding in the UK since 2003 where it was first recorded in London. Whilst easily recognisable as an immature specimen once mature the Southern Green Shieldbug is almost completely green in colour and at first glance identical to our native Common Green Shieldbug, Palomena prasina. The two species can be distinguished by a feint row of 3-5 white spots across the top of the shoulders of the Southern Green Shieldbug, that are not present on the Common Green Shieldbug. The Southern Green Shieldbug also slightly larger that our native Common Green Shieldbug and as an adult grows to a length of around 11-15mm.

The Southern Green Shieldbug is most commonly recorded on allotment sites where despite feeding on a variety of plants it seems to have a preference for runner beans, french beans, raspberries and tomatoes, where it causes distorted bean pods and damaged fruits. Damage is caused as the Shieldbug sucks the sap from fruit, seeds, leaves and stems of the host plants. Instars are black, green, or black & green but adults, as the name suggests, are completely green. Adult specimens can be found all year round but are most common from August - September. Although this species is considered as a pest in other countries the impact it is having in the UK may be limited as adult Southern Green Shieldbugs do not mature here until the end of the summer when vegetable and fruit crops are at the end of their season.

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10mm final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug in SE London, 23rd November 2022.

Final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug in SE London, 23rd November 2022.

Final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug. Found basking in the sun on a brick wall in SE London, 23rd November 2022.

Final instar of the Southern Green Shieldbug. Found basking in the sun on a brick wall in SE London, 23rd November 2022.

Pied Shieldbug (Tritomega sexmaculatus). Photographed on low vegetation at the edge of a grass field in SE London, 27th May 2021

Rambur's Pied Shieldbug    (Tritomega sexmaculatus)
Until recently the Pied Shieldbug (Tritomegas bicolor) was fairly unmistakeable and easy to identify in the field, with the possible exception of the Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. However since 2011 Tritomega sexmaculatus has also been recorded in parts of Kent and has now spread across much of Kent, Essex and SE London. 

Tritomega sexmaculatus grows to an adult length of 5.5 - 7.5mm. So far all records of Tritomega sexmaculatus in the UK of have been associated with Black Horehound (Ballota nigra), the most frequent foodplant of this species on the continent where it is native. On 1/05/21 I counted 5 Tritomega sexmaculatus in Murston, Sittingbourne, Kent. 3 were on nettles, one was found on brambles and the other was on a water iris at the edge of a large pond.

Our native Tritomegas bicolor and the introduced Tritomega sexmaculatus can be difficult to distinguish but there are keys to look for. The most obvious distinguishing feature of adult specimens is the wing membrane. The wing membrane of Tritomega sexmaculatus is dark black in colour. This is far darker than the grey or brown wing membrane of Tritomegas bicolor. The pronotum margins of Tritomega sexmaculatus are also more extensively white than those of Tritomegas bicolor. The final instar nymphs can also be distinguished too. With Tritomega sexmaculatus the front half of the of the final instar nymph's back is much darker and browner than the rear half, giving the instar a two-tone appearance.

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The introduced Pied Shieldbug, Tritomega sexmaculatus. Found on low vegetation at the edge of a grass field in SE London, 27th May 2021

Mating Pied Shieldbugs (Tritomega sexmaculatus). Photographed on nettles at the edge of a grass field in SE London, 28th May 2021

Under bright sunlight, and photographed from the right angle, the black of the Pied Shieldbug reveals very dark metallic green colours. This species of Shieldbug is quick to take to the wing to evade danger. Several times these Pied Shieldbugs flew short distances of around 20-50cm as I approached them with my camera.

Early instar of the Pied Shieldbug (Tritomegas bicolor). Found in a grass meadow in SE London, 21st June 2016.

Pied Shieldbug (Tritomegas bicolor)
Our native Pied Shieldbug, Tritomegas bicolor, is common across England and Wales and is usually found in hedgerows, woodland edges and occasionally gardens. Pied Shieldbugs use their piercing mouthparts to drink sap from Dead Nettles (Lamium) and Black Horehound (Ballota nigra). Early instars are orange & black, then yellow & black and finally cream and black. Tritomegas bicolor grow to an adult length of 5.5 - 7.5mm. Adult female Pied Shieldbugs show dedicated parental care during the early stages of their offspring. The eggs are laid as a cluster in loose soil, near to the host plant. The female will then guard the eggs for three weeks, regularly turning them using her snout within the soil. Once hatched the tiny nymphs are them lead to the food plant.

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5mm Brassica Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea). Photographed on nettles at the edge of a grass field in SE London, 28th May 2021

Brassica Shieldbug  /  Crucifer Shieldbug  /  Cabbage Bug  -  Eurydema oleracea 
In the UK we have another black and white species of Shieldbug, the Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. The Brassica Shieldbug can be identified by the bold white mark in the centre of its pronotum, and three bold dots, one at the base of its scutellum and one either side. These white markings on Eurydema oleracea also regularly occur in bright red, orange, yellow or cream, instead of white. The black base colour can also be dark metallic green or blue. The Brassica Shieldbug is similar in size to the Pied Shieldbugs and grows to around 5-7mm in length. This species is widespread in southern and central England, with some records now coming from Wales too. Adults can be found all year round and the colourful nymphs can usually be found during May and July, feeding mainly on the flowering parts of various Brassicaceae, plants including garlic mustard and horse-radish, rape, cabbage and turnip.

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5mm Brassica Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea). Photographed on nettles at the edge of a grass field in SE London, 28th May 2021

6mm Brassica Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea). Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

6mm Brassica Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea). Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

6mm Brassica Shieldbug (Eurydema oleracea). Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

4.5mm Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

Mating pair of Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 24th May 2024.

4.5mm Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 24th May 2024.

This colourful specimen was one of 12 Brassica Shieldbugs I found in close proximity on lakeside vegetation in Cliffe, Kent. 8 specimens were the typical black / dark green and white colour, and 4 specimens exhibited these red / orange markings. All of the colourful specimens were around 4.5 - 5mm in length, suggesting that they were probably all males.

4.5mm Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 24th May 2024.

4.5mm Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 24th May 2024.

4.5mm Brassica Shieldbug, Eurydema oleracea. Photographed in Cliffe, Kent, 24th May 2024.

8mm adult female Parent Bug, Elasmucha grisea, with young nymphs, in an Alder Tree, in Bexley, SE London. 21st August 2021

Parent Bug    (Elasmucha grisea)
The Parent Bug is a common and widespread species of Shieldbug found cross the UK. Females grow to around 7-9mm whilst the males are slightly smaller. They are usually found feeding on Alder and Birch trees, but have also been known to feed on Beech and Holly. Adults are usually reddish brown and usually show an obvious black patch on the scutellum (middle of their back). Some specimens can be found in grey or occasionally greenish brown too. At the end of autumn adult specimens overwinter and will emerge and mate in the following spring. Males die shortly after mating but the females will often live until the end of summer.

Whilst most Shieldbug species do not stick around to see their eggs hatch the Parent Bug gets its name from the unusual parental care that the female shows to her eggs and larvae. An adult female will see out most of the rest of her days guarding her offspring from parasitic wasps, beetles, earwigs, ants and other predators that would readily feed on unsupervised eggs and nymphs. The adult female usually keeps the young nymphs tightly herded underneath her and any nymphs that try to wander off are quickly nudged back into line using her antennae. These nymphs pictured above were accidentally disturbed by the diffuser on my flash as I took the photo, but were all pulled back into line afterwards by the Parent Bug. At the end of the third instar stage the nymphs will start to disperse and they'll now have to fend for themselves. New adults can be found from August onwards.

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8mm adult female Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea) with herded young nymphs, in an Alder Tree, in Bexley, SE London. 22nd August 2021

8mm adult female Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea) with young nymphs hidden underneath, in an Alder Tree, in Bexley, SE London. 22nd August 2021

8mm adult female Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea), in an Alder Tree, in Bexley, SE London. 21st August 2021

8mm adult female Parent Bug (Elasmucha grisea)

5mm & 4mm mating pair of Woundwort Shieldbugs, found in Eynsford, Kent, 2nd June 2024.

Woundwort Shieldbug  -  (Eysarcoris venustissimus, previously Eysarcoris fabricii
The Woundwort Shieldbug is a small species growing to 4-7mm in length. This colourful little Shieldbug is greenish-grey and copper in colour, with a heavily metallic appearance. Adults overwinter around the end of October and re-emerge  around April to breed in May and June. The next generation of adults appear around August. In the UK this species was rare in the 19th century, and was confined to the SE of England, but in recent years it has picked up significantly in numbers and is now common across southern and central England. 

The Woundwort Shieldbug is a regular find in hedgerows and woodland edges, where the host plants grow. Both the adults and the nymphs feed on Hedge Woundwort. They may occasionally also be found on other plants in the family Lamiaceae, such as Black Horehound and Nettles. There is one other species from the Eysarcoris genus that can be found in the UK, Eysarcoris aeneus, the New Forest Shieldbug. The New Forest Shieldbug is a rare species in the UK though and it's confined to heathland and acid grassland sites around the New Forest, in Hampshire, and the Isle of White.

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Mating pair of Woundwort Shieldbugs, found in Eynsford, Kent, 2nd June 2024.

Mating pair of Woundwort Shieldbugs, found in Eynsford, Kent, 2nd June 2024.

Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found in my SE London garden at night. 17th April 2023

Hairy Shieldbug  /  Sloe Bug  -  (Dolycoris baccarum)
The Hairy Shieldbug is a common and widespread species that's often found in woodland, hedgerows and gardens. Adults grows to around 10-12mm in body-length. Close examination reveals why this species gets the name of Hairy Shieldbug. The underside of the abdomen and the legs are covered in fine hairs. Even the antennae show some hairs. The antennae have black and white bands and make this species easy to identify. Adults overwinter and emerge in the spring. Spring specimens are usually darker in shade than new specimens that emerge around August. The larvae are also hairy and can be found feeding on a range of plants, especially Rosaceae and Asteraceae species, Linaria vulgaris and Lamium album.

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Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found in my SE London garden at night. 17th April 2023

Mating pair of Hairy Shieldbugs, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Whitstable, Kent. 11th May 2023

These Hairy Shieldbugs were 2 of about 20 specimens seen on a stormy / sunny day at Whitstable Castle gardens, in Kent.

Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Whitstable, Kent. 11th June 2023

An overwintered adult Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Cliffe, Kent, 30th March 2024.

4mm mid-instar of the Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Cliffe, Kent, 30th June 2023.

4mm mid-instar of the Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Cliffe, Kent, 30th June 2023.

4mm mid-instar of the Hairy Shieldbug, Dolycoris baccarum, found at Cliffe, Kent, 30th June 2023.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug  -  (Aelia acuminata)
The Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug gets its name from the pointed headwear worn by Catholic bishops. This distinctive bug has a long pointed body and pointed head and grows to a length of around 8-9mm. The Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug is common and widespread in the southern half of the UK and favours dry grass meadows, and sometimes sand dunes. There are five nymphal stages and only one generation per year, with new adults being seen around August. The overall colour is usually a pale straw colour but some specimens may be very pale, or slightly darker, or even light grey in colour. Some specimens have obvious dark longitudinal stripes whilst these stripes may be hardly visible on other specimens. The Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug feeds on the seeds of various grasses, as well as cereal crops, where it can cause significant damage.

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9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found on low vegetation at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found on low vegetation at Muston, Kent, 23rd May 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

9mm Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

7mm final instar of the Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

7mm final instar of the Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

7mm final instar of the Bishop's Mitre Shieldbug, Aelia acuminata, found in long grass at Shepherd Meadows, Berkshire, 11th August 2024.

Grass Bug  (Notostria elongata)
Grass Bug (Notostria elongata)
Usually found on low vegetation, especially grasses, these predatory Capsid Bugs from the Miridae family grow to around 8-10mm. Adults over-winter and turn from brown to green in the spring mating season. Larvae are seen from May -July and reach adulthood around July-August. The first adults are light brown and darken before over-wintering. This change in colour gives them camouflage as the grass changes colour also. 

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One of several 6mm Lygus cf pratensis found on Common Ragwort plants growing at the edge of a grass meadow in a valley on the North Downs in Kent. 23rd July 2023.

Tarnished Plant Bug  -  Lygus pratensis
The Tarnished Plant Bug is one of five Lygus species in the UK that are extremely difficult to identify without very close examination under high magnification. Lygus pratensis was once confined to heathland sites in the south of England. This species has rapidly expanded its range in recent years and is now common and widespread in much of southern Britain. Tarnished Plant Bug grows to around 6-7mm in length and adults can be found all year round. In the USA, where it feeds on a wide variety of trees, grasses and cereal crops, the Tarnished Plant Bug is considered a pest species. Early instars are green in colour and do not usually take on the darker colouration until the final instar. Worldwide there are over 40 species in the Lygus genus.

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All Photographs on this page were taken using the Canon 40D / Canon 7D / Canon 7D mkII / Canon 5D mkIII cameras and the Canon 100mm 2.8L IS, fully manual Laowa Venus 15mm Wide-angle Macro lens, and the Sigma 14mm f/2.8 Wide-Angle lens.